The Old Woman of Mani Read online

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that his heart had just stopped.

  Two days later Yolanda gave birth to twins, one boy and one girl. One of the things which Yolanda never understood was that humans have a pregnancy period of nine months from conception to birth. Two days was more than enough. Mind you the little ones only weighed half a kilo but they grew rapidly and would reach the equivalent of twenty human years in five years. I wonder who these little ones would pick for their assignments she thought as she gazed down on them with pride. She had to be careful not to love them as to get too emotionally involved could be dangerous. She thought of Alekos and was sorry that he had to sacrifice himself unknowingly for the future of mankind.

  Yolanda never asked why simply because it was and that was the way it had always been since the Ancient Egyptians and it would be for ever more.

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  Discover other titles by the author:

  Sparky the Baby Green Dragon

  If I Could Paint Your Picture

  Remembering Jounieh

  The Old Woman of Mani

  Master Trading the Financial Markets

  Trading with Traders (8 volumes)

  Operation Gladio (Chapters 1 to 12)

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